We created a government so small you can fit it in your pocket.
The 214 ALpha app
The seven things that make our app unique.
App demo: arbitration
In this short video, CEO Kent Dahlgren illustrates the arbitration feature, as seen by both the buyer, the seller, and Austin Arts administrators acting as arbitrators behind the scenes.
app demo: reputation
In this short video, CEO Kent Dahlgren illustrates the reputation feature, as seen by both the shopper, and Austin Arts administrators behind the scenes.
app Demo: voting
In this short video, CEO Kent Dahlgren illustrates the voting feature, as seen by the voting member of the Austin Arts Marketplace community.
onboarding process
Weekly, one-hour meetings
Critical info is collected, using worksheets and checklists
Your team is trained
Within weeks, we launch your app
Money flows into your bank account
We guide locally-sourced leadership from outrage to stewardship through action in service to their community.
Our processes uses the Community Activation and Launch Methodology, which leverages 35+ years activist experience within thousands of communities.